Our ESG framework, focused on People, Players and Planet, supports our bigger and bolder ambitions, enabling us to deliver against our broader responsibilities and commitments whilst supporting long-term, sustainable growth.


Preventing harm through safer gambling, and engaging players with positive experiences

Safer gambling is imperative to the future success of our business, and therefore the Players pillar of our ESG strategy is a key focus. We recognise that for the vast majority of customers our products are fun and exciting, but for a small and important number gambling related harm is a real issue, and we need to protect those customers to the best of our abilities.


Key developments and next steps:

We continue to evolve our products, processes, and training to ensure we offer strong levels of protection to our customers wherever in the world they play.

Encouraging positive play is a key principle of our wider business plans and safer gambling tools and education are a key focus here - across our products, the use of deposit limits continues to rise and we sent over 1.3 million safer gambling messages to customers in 2023 based on their behaviour. We will continue to evolve our interaction strategy to make it more personalised as well as continuing to educate customers on the wide range of tools we offer.


An engaging and inclusive environment where colleagues can thrive

We know that the talent, commitment and skill of our global teams make our business what it is. This pillar of our ESG framework is focused on nurturing an inclusive workplace that offers great opportunities for people to grow and develop.

This pillar also incorporates our programme to enhance diversity, provide opportunity and invest in our communities.


Key developments and next steps:

Through 2023 we focused primarily on organisational culture, and leadership and talent. This included creating and launching a combined set of company values, and running bespoke training programmes for key people leaders and colleagues identified as talent. Despite significant organisational change during 2023, our employee net promoter score increased slightly. 

Going forward we recognise the values must be implemented as part of everyday life across the business and work continues to ensure these are reflected in our actions and leadership. As part of the relaunch of the corporate Group under its new name 'evoke plc' work will focus on bringing together the organisation under the new name, with a clear strategy for success having been laid out by our new management team. 


Protecting our environment, including driving towards net zero carbon

We fully recognise the climate crisis and the risk to the planet and in reaction set ourselves ambitious targets to hit net zero across our scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030, and across our whole value chain (including Scope 3) by 2035.


Key developments and next steps:

We continued to progress towards our goals in 2023, with further reductions in scope 1 and 2 emissions achieved, including through the use of AI-powered energy monitoring across our retail estate. We remain committed to maintaining this momentum and driving ambitious change across the Group to hit our targets.

We will continue to invest and evolve this area of focus, engaging colleagues and changing the way we do things in order to hit our ambitious targets and play our part in protecting the future of the planet.

We will also continue to work with external ratings agencies to sense check our progress across both industry peers and other comparable businesses as we work towards reducing our environmental impact.


CDP rating


eNPS score across the Group


FTSE4GOOD index rating


rating in the CSA
(sector average of 21)


MSCI ESG rating